Friday, February 19, 2010

Crocheted Hair Bows!

I really enjoy crocheting. I learned as a tween from my Grandma Campbell. I remember making chain after chain of different colored yarns. Gradually, I advanced into making small 'doilies', which I used in my home decor on the piano under figurines. I have since made baby blankets and using crochet thread to crochet around baby blankets. But my latest fun a 'Crocheted Flower' as a 'Hair Bow'! Enjoy:)


  1. It that my flower? I love it on my headband. Thanks Toni!!!!

  2. They're very cute. I have been taught to crochet by my mom several times, but I never seem to get the hang of it and quickly forget. I wish I had the talent and patience for it, oh well. They look great!
