Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Crayon Wraps!

If you are looking for a fun project to make for your kids then this is it!
And the wrap is so handy, just toss it in your bag and it can keep the kids busy for hours! (along with some paper of course!)
I have some of these for sale on my Etsy Shop @ www.thepinkbug.etsy.com !

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

'I Spy' with my Little Eye a .....

I had fun making a few of these 'I Spy' toys a while back, and plan to make more. I've got some ideas for some other shapes and fun stocked inside them. Our girls have enjoyed finding the trinkets inside and it teaches them patience (that's always a bonus), reading, shape finding, helps with their sense of 'Touch' and much more.
I like using Fleece material, because it's so soft, Poly-pellets for fill and of course the fun Trinkets, (buttons, jewels and misc..) for finding!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ribbon Hairbows!

Here are some samples of the 'Hair-Bows' that I've been making lately! It is fun to see what different things I can create!